Anja Fuchs

Anja Fuchs

Consultant German part

Anja Zhuchkova

Anja is an experienced senior Atlassian consultant with many years of experience working with Atlassian products. She has made a significant contribution to improving digital collaboration and knowledge management in various teams and specializes in implementing holistic solutions.

In addition to a bachelor's degree in business informatics, she has completed various continuing education courses in areas such as test management, requirements engineering, leadership and communication. Her core competencies include knowledge management, social intranet, test management with Xray and process optimization.

Anja seamlessly integrates her many years of experience with Microsoft 365 and SharePoint into her consulting work on digital collaboration. By managing numerous projects and successfully implementing complex requirements, she has established herself as a valuable member. Her ability to communicate complex technical concepts in an understandable way and develop user-oriented solutions makes her a valuable partner for teams that prioritize digital collaboration and knowledge management.

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