GreaTest Quality: Meet & Discuss with Swarmit, RadBee and Xray

At the Greatest Quality 2024 leading companies from the software testing industry have come together in Zurich. The highlights of Swarmit were the collaboration with Xray and RadBee as well as the several exciting exchanges about innovative tools.

Greatest Quality 2024: A look at the future of software testing

This year's Greatest Quality Event in Zurich was a success and brought together experts and technology developers from the software industry to discuss the latest trends and developments. The dedicated team, including pascal and Roseline, organized the event, which takes place every year in Zurich.

The importance of community and partnership

A central aspect of the event was the emphasis on community and partnerships. The event has established itself as one of the few conferences in Switzerland that focuses on software quality and testing and serves as a non-profit organization for the community. The GreaTest Quality had already attracted numerous participants the evening before the event, who met in Zurich for workshops.

Successful Swarmit partnerships with Xray and RadBee

For Swarmit, the collaboration with the partners Xray and RadBee was particularly emphasized. Natasha and ana from the Xray Team as well as Rina from RadBee flew to Zurich for the Greatest Quality. On that occasion we organized a discussion with Anja and Roseline and highlighted our successful cooperation. Xray, known for its comprehensive test management tools, and RadBee, an aspiring software testing company, have already launched significant initiatives with us.

Here is the full discussion

Webinars and collaborative videos

Other highlights include the videos and webinars that you can watch on our website under Xray & Jira Snapshots for Confluence as well as on our YouTube Channel. These webinars provide valuable insights and are a good example of collaboration and knowledge transfer between partners.

Highlights and outlook for the future

For more information and to watch past webinars, visit our YouTube channel. Stay tuned and join upcoming webinars to discover the latest developments and tools in software testing.

The event not only provided a platform for exchange, but also for learning and growing as a community. The next edition of the Greatest Quality will take place again in Zurich on May 23, 2025. Get your tickets now to be part of this event and experience the latest innovations in software testing.

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