Ouiza Chayeb

Ouiza Chayeb

Consultant French part

Ouiza Chayeb

Ouiza is an experienced senior Atlassian consultant and also a Java developer.

Her career began as a Jira administrator, where she worked for two years. She then turned to the development of Java applications in renowned companies in the IT sector. For almost six years, she was part of development teams that used Atlassian products on a daily basis. Thanks to her expertise, she decided to introduce Jira, Confluence, and other tools to her colleagues and guide them in the proper use of these tools. As a result of this commitment, she gradually returned to the Atlassian world. In June 2022, she decided to make Atlassian consulting the main pillar of her professional career. Since then, she has completed training courses and obtained certifications to achieve the required level of expertise needed to successfully complete her consulting assignments with various clients and teams in different sectors.

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