Automated User Cleanup & Deactivation

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Automated User Cleanup & Deactivation

Efficient user management in Jira and Confluence

With the Automated User Cleanup & Deactivation apps for Jira and Confluence optimize your user administration by automatically cleaning up and deactivating inactive users. These solutions help you reduce license costs, improve security, and keep your instances clean and efficient.

Why Automated User Cleanup & Deactivation?
Unused or inactive user accounts can quickly lead to unnecessary license costs and potential security risks. With these apps, you can keep control of your user accounts and relieve your team of manual administrative tasks. Automation ensures that inactive users are identified and deactivated according to individually definable rules.

Your path to efficient user management
With the Automated User Cleanup & Deactivation Apps for Jira and Confluence, you save time, reduce costs and increase the security of your systems. Swarmit provides you with comprehensive support in easily configuring and seamlessly integrating these solutions into your Atlassian environment. As a long-standing partner of Kantega SSO, our experts bring in-depth know-how and best practices to always deliver the optimal solution for your requirements.

Do you have any questions? Reach out to Swarmit. We're happy to help you implement these powerful tools!

How does the tool help you?

  • Reduce license costs: Deactivate unused accounts and optimize your license usage.
  • Reduce security risks: Minimize potential attack surfaces through deactivated accounts.
  • Save time: Automate repetitive administrative tasks in Jira and Confluence
  • Create transparency: Reports help you keep track of user activity.

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