IT Service Management (ITSM)

IT Service Management (ITSM)

Modern ITSM platform for flexible and efficient service management

Do you have difficulties managing and providing your IT services efficiently? Do you lack transparency in your business processes? Swarmit is ready to take on your challenges and help with IT Service Management (ITSM) expertise. With Swarmit at your side, you can rely on innovative, efficient and transparent ITSM solutions to successfully overcome your business challenges.


Our ITSM expertise is based on the use of Jira Service Management, a modern and flexible platform.

Why Jira Service Management

  • High flexibility: Jira Service Management adapts to your requirements and allows extensive expansion using add-ons.
  • Quick and transparent communication: Jira Service Management enables transparent and fast communication, which increases customer satisfaction.
  • Increased efficiency: Through automation and clear workflows, processes can be optimized and made more efficient.
  • DevOps Support: Jira Service Management creates a uniform communication platform for development and operation, which enables the implementation of DevOps.


eBook & Factsheet

FORRESTER CONSULTING - The total economic impact of Atlassian Jira Service Management - Download
Tips for setting up a lean, streamlined ITSM system
Tips for setting up a lean, streamlined ITSM system - Download
ITSM für High-Velocity Teams
ITSM für High-Velocity Teams - Download

How we support you

Comprehensive IT service management support with Jira

Integration of ITSM solutions and customized implementation of Jira Service Management.

Efficient asset management and CMDB support

Holistic integration of configuration items and accelerated service request management through self-service portals.

Knowledge Management Support

Central administration and system-wide availability of information thanks to the integration of Confluence as a knowledge database.

Professional incident and problem management support

Efficient resolution of incidents with Opsgenie and seamless integration with Jira Software for change and release management.

Suitable trainings

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IT Service Management (ITSM)

IT Service Management (ITSM)

Discover modern ITSM solutions with Jira Service Management at Swarmit. We offer flexible support, fast communication and efficient workflows for successful IT service management. From asset management to incident management — rely on Swarmit for transparent and flexible solutions that also include DevOps and ITIL as key components of your expertise.

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