Pascal Stiefel

Pascal Stiefel


Pascal Stiefel

With empathy and commitment, Pascal Stiefel helps teams and organizations consistently focus on customer needs and ensure the required quality.

His field of activity begins with the design and organization of company-wide IT portfolio management in general and initiatives that are aimed at added value and customer satisfaction, from the development of a product idea to its use. His many years of experience in various areas of IT management and IT product development enable him to focus on sustainable, agile procedures that are supported by teams.

He advises his customers to implement innovative and sustainable quality approaches that take into account the entire value chain.

Successful projects are supported by teams, which is why Pascal always focuses on people and their collaboration. The continuous improvement of this collaboration and optimal support through suitable tools and methods are another key topic.

Pascal also teaches as a lecturer at CAS Software Testing at the Rapperswil University of Applied Sciences.

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