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EazyBi for Jira

Powerful reporting with eazyBI for Jira and Confluence

Unlock the full potential of your Jira data with EazyBI, a powerful app for creating reports, dashboards, and charts using an intuitive drag-and-drop tool. Boost your data analysis by analyzing and visualizing not only your Jira processes, but also additional data from CSV or Excel files, SQL databases, and REST API data sources. eazyBI also supports custom fields for Jira, Jira Service Management, Tempo Timesheets, and data from various third-party apps such as test management with Xray.

Get comprehensive insight into the content of your Confluence pages. EazyBI for Confluence allows you to identify the most searched pages, most active users and most popular areas. Optimize Confluence's structures, texts, and content based on sound analyses to make relevant content available to your users faster and easier.

Swarmit is a proud, long-standing partner of EazyBI. We're here to help you configure and manage so you get the most out of this Jira and Confluence data.

How EazyBI helps

  • Professional data visualization: Create compelling reports and dashboards with ease.
  • Comprehensive data integration: Analyze data from CSV, Excel, SQL, and REST APIs.
  • Custom fields for precision: Support for custom fields in Jira and Jira Service Management.

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