Swarmit at SMFS 2024

Discover the future of Service management

On October 24, 2024, the Service Management Forum Switzerland (SMFS) in Zurich will open its doors for an exciting event with specialist lectures, keynote speeches, discussion forums and a panel discussion.

Under the motto “Human creativity meets machine efficiency,” everything revolves around how artificial intelligence (AI) is redefining service management. We at Swarmit are excited to be part of this event and look forward to showing you our ITSM solutions based on the Atlassian Jira service management tool.

Discover our offerings at SMFS

In the world of service management, we offer you pioneering solutions based on Jira Service Management. Visit our stand and find out more about our services. We'll show you how to optimize your IT and business processes with Jira Service Management, a powerful tool from Atlassian, while ensuring transparent communication and efficient work processes.

What can you expect from us?

Jira Service Management — Your ITSM Solution of the Future
Let yourself be convinced of the benefits of Jira Service Management:

  • High flexibility: Adjustments according to your needs.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: Increase customer satisfaction through fast and transparent communication.
  • Increased efficiency: Automated workflows and clear processes.
  • DevOps -> Speed up Dev and Ops: Enable DevOps by creating a unified platform for development and operations, improving collaboration on changes, incidents, and requests, while managing risk.

Discuss artificial intelligence (AI) in service management with us

The SMFS Forum addresses exciting questions about how artificial intelligence (AI) can optimize processes and expand human capabilities. Come by and find out how we can help you improve your service management processes.

Sign up now!

Ticket prices start at CHF 650.— from July 1, 2024. Experience a day full of innovation and networking.

Visit us at the Swarmit stand — we're looking forward to seeing you!
Take advantage of our exclusive 20% discount code “SwarmIT_ku_20” in the comment box.

We're ready to take your next step!

Would you like to use our expertise and implement technological innovations?

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