Serge Wolf

Serge Wolf


Serge Wolf

Serge Wolf has 19 years of experience successfully implementing various IT projects. In his main field of activity, software testing, his wealth of experience ranges from setting up international test factories to consulting as a performance engineer. Through his master's degree in business informatics, he manages projects in a scientifically sound and at the same time practice-oriented manner.

In addition to his role as project manager, Serge Wolf knows how to get participants excited about testing as a lecturer. His repertoire includes all SAQ/ISTQB Methodological courses, training for test tools and individually tailored courses for customers.

Following his motto “Quality prevails!” Serge Wolf strives to offer customers innovative solutions that also provide the best cost-benefit ratio in the long term. He is used to keeping a clear head in challenging situations and sticking to the project plan. With his commitment, efficiency and ability to inspire important stakeholders to achieve a common goal, Serge Wolf is the guarantee of success for every software testing project.

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