Infometis is becoming sustainable, but what exactly does that mean?

Our motto is: We act responsibly towards society and the environment

When we hear the word sustainability, we often think of ecology, but there are two other pillars of sustainability, namely economics and society. Infometis strives to operate sustainably in all three pillars. We have further divided the three pillars into three subject areas, which we see as the biggest lever for Infometis. We regularly review our measures and try to improve further. In the end, all measures aim to make our contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.


  • energy: We produce over half of our electricity requirements with our own solar cells. We also obtain the remaining electricity from ewz's most sustainable electricity product. to the blog post
  • mobility: We prefer public transport and only pay car expenses to a limited extent. We are also committed to allowing us to work from home for 1-2 days in order to reduce mobility. to the blog post
  • resources: When it comes to our devices, we focus on quality and an extended warranty so that as few devices as possible have to be purchased. Functioning, older devices are donated. to the blog post


  • Investments: Our pension fund focuses on a sustainable investment profile. We also offset our CO2 footprint via to the blog post
  • Work results: Our high-quality work results in less rework by the customer.
  • Transparency: We increase transparency through regular blog posts. We also conduct annual employee surveys on sustainability to gather further ideas for measures.


  • employer: At Infometis, we stand for a responsible employer.
  • Customer choice: The information may reject customers if there are moral concerns.
  • Partner selection: We inform our partners about our initiatives and address bad press.