Why Swarmit and Snyk have an excellent partnership

We were at DevOpsDays Zurich in Winthertur with our partner Snyk.

We had great fun discussing SecDevOps topics and much more with many visitors. Christian and Pascal were there from Swarmit and can only confirm the positive mood and atmosphere at our stand.

Swarmit DevOpsDays 1
Swarmit DevOpsDays 3
Swarmit DevOpsDays 2
Swarmit DevOpsDays 4

Swarmit's expertise

Swarmit has the methodological and technical knowledge to help companies select and integrate a suitable DevOps architecture.

Snyk's expertise

Snyk fixes IT vulnerabilities easily and quickly with its intelligence solutions.


As a partner of Atlassian and Snyk, we showed some exciting opportunities in the area of built-in security at DevOpsDays. We were able to explain to participants how Swarmit combines DevOps and security testing with the technical expertise of an implementation partner from Atlassian and Snyk.

We typically offer our customers the following services in collaboration with Snyk:

  • Evaluation and proof of value support
  • Integrate and configure Snyk into your pipeline. Such as integration with Jira Software and Bitbucket, or other tools in your pipeline Built-in Quality and DevSecOps concepts

We're ready to take your next step!

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