The Forrester Study on Jira Service Management

We would like to introduce you to a way to better implement IT Service Management (ITSM) with the Forrester study "The Total Economic Impact™ Of Atlassian Jira Service Management".

What does the study offer?

The Forrester study comprehensively analyzes the financial benefits that companies can achieve by using Jira Service Management (JSM). Here are some highlights:

  • 277% Return on Investment (ROI): Companies using JSM see an impressive return.
  • Over $3 million Net Present Value (NPV): The study shows significant financial savings and benefits.
  • Quick payback: The costs of implementing JSM are recovered in less than 6 months.

Why is that important for you?

With the growing prevalence of decentralized and remote teams, it's crucial to have a service management tool that enables fast and flexible work methods. JSM offers exactly that:

  • Improved productivity: Through automated workflows and better collaboration between IT, operations, and development.
  • Cost savings: By eliminating expensive legacy systems and making IT operational costs more efficient.
  • Happier employees and customers: Thanks to faster problem resolution and a user-friendly interface.

What do users say?

Users report a significant improvement in their service processes and increased productivity. An IT manager from a large retail company highlights that JSM has helped them resolve issues faster, avoiding revenue loss.

Your next step - download the full Forrester study for free

FORRESTER CONSULTING - The total economic impact of Atlassian Jira Service Management - Download

Download the full Forrester study for free and find out how you can benefit from Jira Service Management. Use the insights to optimize your IT service management strategy and give your company a competitive edge.

Ready to take the next step? Download the study here and start the transformation right away.

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